
LAN Madness is a weekend-long Age of Empires II "bring your own computer" (BYOC) LAN Party, based in St Helens Liverpool, UK.

Our core aim is to bring the UK Age of Empires community together for a weekend full of fun - tournaments, custom games, board games and more.

Join us on Discord, and follow us on our social platforms such as Twitter, YouTube and Twitch - we'll be posting updates regularly with our plans and behind the scenes content!

Learn more about us, or contact us on Discord or by email.

LAN Madness: ON TOUR

The community has spoken - we will be heading to EPIC.LAN's EPIC45!
Thurs July 17th - Sunday July 20th, at Kettering Conference centre.
Tickets go on sale February 22nd; add the clan tag "LAN Madness" to your profile and pick your seat in the back corner of lakeside!
Join the Discord for updates.
LAN Madness: On Tour logo


" amazing. Would 100% go again "
" The effort you guys have gone to is insane, and it was really enjoyable "
" had a fantastic time and I'm still buzzing when I think about it "
" met a lot of people that I am looking forward to seeing again "
" In awe of what you achieved. Hope there are more "
" really good fun and incredibly well organised "


Q. What is LAN Madness?

We are a collection of UK AoE2 fans that came together to host an AoE2 BYOC LAN party.
Our primary aim is to have a physical event for the UK community (and friends abroad) to come together for and enjoy.
We follow the tried and tested 48-hour, weekend-long format where people bring their own computers and play games/board games with each other!
We're somewhat on haitus given the situation with our venue - in the mean time stay tuned to our socials, Discord especially.

Q. Who is LAN Madness?

LAN Madness' staff is comprised of Grandy / MangoMel / JBR / King_Boo / Capy / TomSnuffles / AC.
We're not some fancy company, just a group of like minds brought together for one specific purpose.
Our event is made possible by the wonderful staff over at TheLANProject, who run their own general gaming LAN in the same venue multiple times a year. They have been so gracious with their time and also their equipment, which is the core of our event also.

Q. When is LAN Madness?

Our two previous events were both at the start of summer of '22 and '23.
We are awaiting resolution of venue issues but hope to be back.

Q. Where is LAN Madness?

Our venue is the Mill Street Barracks in St Helens (WA10 2BB).
It has everything we need - onsite sleeping space, showers, kitchen, parking, and ready for our power/networking requirements!

Q. What will security be like?

We will do what we can to keep the venue locked overnight and have people in the hall at most hours; we also check name badges to make sure people belong in the hall.
At the end of the day, we only have public liability insurance and cannot ensure safety of kit 100% of the time.
If concerned, you can investigate contents insurance for yourself, or various locking mechanisms, or take your kit with you.

Q. Can I rent a PC?

We may consider offering this through a partner if there was enough demand - get in touch and let us know!

Q. What is the parking like?

There is limited availability pay-and-display bay parking directly across from the venue, and some temporary bay space for offloading directly next to the venue.